
Language Interview

So I interviewed Mrs. D'Angelo, the Spanish teacher and asked her a few questions about the evolution of language. These are some of the questions I asked her: Q.  Do you think language is going to change in 200 years? A. Yes, languages are changing every day. Q. How do you think it is going to change and why? A. I believe there will be more incorporation of new words in some languages and I also think there will be more borrowed words from other languages and more dialects. Q. Do you think there will be more or less languages in the future? Why do you think so? A. I think there will definitely be fewer languages in the future. Some language that may still exist in the future would be the major spoken languages at this time such as English, Chinese, Spanish, and French. Q. How does language affect culture and shape the way we think? A. Language shapes culture and culture influences language. Language is central to our experience of being human, and the la...


1. My passion project is halfway done. I have already interviewed the spanish teacher and all i have to now is to write a blog post with the interview results and maybe include some pictures. 2. I am going write a blog post with all the results from the interview. I am going to include a picture of Mrs. D'Agostino teaching spanish to students. 3. I'm going to publish it on my blogpost. 4. The most enjoyable aspect of my project is when i interviewed Mrs. D'Agostino because I was curious of her answers. The most personally satisfying aspect of this project is when we brainstormed of things we cared/interested/loved/liked. 5. Do we have to present our projects? if so, do we present each aspect of our projects?


1. For my project, I am interviewing a language teacher and discussing about the evolution of languages in the future. 2. Between now and the end of my project, I need make some questions about, discuss them with the language teacher, and maybe like write a blogspot about it. 3. Maybe I could take pictures of the the spanish teacher teaching spanish to the class or students writing in spanish. 4.  I am still not sure how i am going the publicize it. 5. I've already created the question. So I need to discuss them with the teacher. Take some pictures. Publicize it.


1. My next step was to find an available time to chat with the language teacher and I talked to Mrs. D'Agostino, the spanish teacher, d we figured out a time we can chat. 2. I haven't discussed about the topic with her yet but i'm planning to do so next. 3. I need create some questions that i could ask her and like write down the answers. Then maybe later i would create a blog and write about it.


1. I am going to interview a language teacher and discuss about the evolution of language and ask her how languages will change like 200 years from now 2. Talk to the language teacher and like write down the information given about languages. 3.  Find a language teacher and set up a time to talk to him/her about it.


1. I got 32 points 2. Yes, I definitely agree with the questionare description of my total points. I do feel like I know how to manage my time quite well but sometimes I feel like giving up when I have too much work. 3. I have a planner that shows all the work I need to do or what I missed and sometimes I just use my phone reminder because I’m always on it, it’ll alert me of works I need to finish. 4. I usually feel like I need to step out away from my phone because I think it distracts me and takes away my time for work. Another thing i would to do is to create like an agenda that I would follow for a week.


1. I have not come up with an idea for my passion project just yet. 2. I was thinking of doing one of my wonders or problem solved maybe like language existence in the future or cure for cancer. 3. I still don't understand how we chose an idea. Is the idea like a question or do we just pick an idea from our mind maps and write about it? What do we do next with the idea? I'm still very confused about the project.